Friday, March 20, 2009

A kept person

I got this from my church newsletter

There were a few time when I thought I would lose my mind.

But God kept me sane.
(Isiah 26:3)

There were times when I thought I could go on no longer.

But the Lord kept me moving.
(Genesis 28:15)

At times, I wanted to lash out at those whom I felt had done me wrong.

But the Lord kept my mouth closed.
(Psalms 13)

Sometimes I feel that the money just isn't enough.

But God has helped me keep the lights on, the water on, the car paid, the house paid, ect.
(Matthew 6:25-34)

When I thought I would fall, He kept me up.

When I thought I was weak, He kept me strong.
(Matthew 11:28-30)

I could go on and on, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

I'm blessed to be kept.

Do you know a kept person?

If so, pass this on to them to let them know they are kept.

I'm kept by the Love and Grace of God.

I hope you are too!

Read your Bible-see John 3:16

-From the Ira Star, February, 2009