Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Believing in God (Believing #1)

Please note: As you read this post, please remember that these are my thoughts and opinions on this topic. Yours may be very different then mine, and that's okay. Please don't get angry if you think something I am saying is blasphemy or just plain wrong. Instead, please express these thoughts/opinions in the comments; I would love to hear someone (and anyone!) else's opinion on this topic. Thank you!

Hello, everyone! Today's topic is believing, as you will have read in the title. What I mean by this, is believing in God (and Jesus). This probably should have been the first topic, but too late now. I might not have even thought of this post, but I was talking to someone recently, who was really doubting whether God was real. Anyway, here it is!

Nowadays, a lot of people don't believe in Him anymore. I don't know why, and I can't understand it. This includes my dad. When I first found out about him turning atheist, he said that he had looked at the facts, and had decided. But I am not so sure he looked at
all the facts. I don't know if he looked in the Bible or not (I'll have to ask him later), but if he did, he may not have looked in the right area(s). The Bible is so huge (mine is somewhere around 1600 pages) and it can be hard to find the things you're looking for. But if you look in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, it's not that hard to find proof of miracles. A few examples are...

When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. -John 11:43-44

Then he went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. He said, "Young man, I say to you, get up!" The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother. -Luke 7:14-15

"I tell you, get up, take your mat, and go home." He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. -Mark 2:11-12 (Part of Mark 2: 1-12; the story where Jesus heals a paralytic)

If you are doubting God's existence, and you would like some more examples of God's miracles, please read the following: Matthew 14:1-32; Exodus 14:21-27; Joshua 10:12-13; and Jonah 1. There are oh so many more, but I can't list them all. I would be listing a lot of the bible.

Are you doubting the existence of God? If you are, there is a very simple solution. Find yourself a New Testament Bible, and start reading. It may not sound like much fun, but it is worth it. You may find yourself starting believe that He is real. If you do, start praying. It may seem a little weird at first, talking to someone invisible. Of course, you don't even have to say the words, because God knows your every thought. And doesn't everyone talk to themselves at times? But a theory of mine is that you aren't really talking to yourself at all, even if you don't believe in the Lord, sometimes you're talking to Him, and you just don't realize it. That even if you choose to ignore Him, he will still be there, and you acknowledge him subconsciously.

Okay, if you still aren't convinced that He's real, let me ask you this. Do you believe in the Devil? Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? If you do believe in Heaven, here's something for you to ponder; If there is no God, then how is there a Heaven? If there is no God, then how did all those miracles happen? If there is no God, then how did Jesus raise from the dead, and open up the gates of Heaven? In fact, if there is no Father, how is there a Son (Jesus) at all? In my opinion, if there is no Lord, there is no Devil, and there is no Heaven or Hell. But there is God, and there is the Devil, and there is a Heaven and a Hell.

Please, consider these things I have said. And if you already believe in the Lord and read this article, you can consider these also, and maybe use some of it to tell others about the Lord God. I don't know, but I hope you will find it inspiring.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Jessica. I am really proud of you. I glad that you have the confidence to say what you believe and why, even when it is contrary to what I believe. And I'm especially glad that we can discuss these things openly. That's something a lot of teens and parents wouldn't or couldn't do :)

I have never really discussed with you why I don't believe in God because I didn't want to influence you into not believing. I want you to be able to make up your own mind, rather than have me tell you what to believe.

But I will tell you that I struggled with myself for several years before finally getting up the courage to admit to myself and others that I don't believe. I would love to talk with you about why I don't believe, if you want to hear it. There is much more to it than I can write in this comment. I hope we can get some time to talk soon.

Savannah Nichole said...

And again, excelent post Jess. Savannah