Sunday, August 31, 2008

Modesty in Clothes (Clothes #2)

This is a continuation of last week's post on clothes. Last week we covered why it doesn't matter what we wear, and this week we're talking about why it does matter what we wear. I know, it probably sounds like I'm contradicting myself, but I'm not. If you didn't read the title of the post, it's about modesty in clothes. Mostly, it's for girls, but if a boy wants to read it, of course they can! Anyway, here's the actual post.

In the eighteen hundreds and before, the clothes most people wore we more modest then what a lot of people are wearing now. Think about it: The skirts were a lot longer then they are now, even when a girl wasn't yet wearing the long skirts of a woman. When they were swimming, they didn't wear bikinis; they wore clothes. The pants were not labeled things like 'Low Rise' and 'Ultra Low'; they were just pants. The shirts girls wore weren't low-cut and revealing. The jeans weren't super-tight, they were loose fitting. And as far as I know, there was no such thing as a miniskirt.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Over the last few centuries, things have changed a lot. I know it's been a few hundred years, but if you really think about it, in all the time that the world has been here, it's not that long. I know that there are exceptions to what I said in the last paragraph, but my point is that most people were a lot more modest then, then they are now. Maybe you're thinking, 'Why is modesty such a big deal?'. Well, I'm about to tell you.

Part of modesty is about keeping one's self protected. Do you really want people staring at you like that? Another part of modesty is about true beauty. Because the clothes you are wearing are showy, it takes away attention from your face. Even more importantly, it takes it away from your inner beauty.

Now, I read a lot, and from what I have read, I have collected that a lot of guys like pretty girls. And girls want to be pretty, it's just the way we've grown up, it's what our culture is like. But maybe it's just the way we were made; vain. I don't know. But I do know that I don't like to see other girls wearing immodest clothes. It's not pretty; in fact, it can kind of be repulsive. I don't like to see it.

Earlier when Savannah and I were talking, she was saying that she doesn't think she's very modest. I think she is fine. Okay, maybe one or two of her skirts are too short for my taste, but really, she is a lot better at that kind of thing then most girls. When we were talking about this, she said that her mom doesn't like her wearing spaghetti strap shirts. I'm fine with them. In fact, I wear them all the time. But when it comes to skirts, I can't stand having anything shorter then just above my knee, unless there is a pair of shorts, leggings or pants underneath. You're probably wondering what I'm getting at with this. Well, my point is this: Everyone defines modesty differently, just as everyone has their own style.

The problem for most people, though, is that they ignore what they think is modest or immodest. I've been pondering modesty for a few weeks, when I came across it on another blog. Before, I hadn't really thought about it. In our culture, we're used to people wearing stuff like that. We don't really think about it. But when it does pop up in our mind, sometimes we try and make excuses, like 'It's not that bad, I've seen a lot worse', or 'Everyone else dresses like this'. Just because other people dress like that, it doesn't mean we should. In the Bible, it says this:

I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. -1Timothy 2:9-10

Concentrate on the part that says 'I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety.' And what the Bible says, goes. For everyone, no matter who they are, what age they are, whatever.

Well, I think that's all I have to say about this right now. Please tell me what you think of this post by leaving a comment. Thanks!



Natalie said...

I completey agree with you, Jessica! The clothing that girls are wering today are just unbelieveable. And you are right how a people look at modesty difrently.

As I ge older I am not aloud to wear sirtin shirts and clothing. I am not aloud to wear miniskirts or anything above an inch above my knee in skirts.

I am not aloud to wear bekinis I useley stick with either a one piece, but mostly I wear a 2 piece but it isn't yo short.

I completey understand what you are saying in this blog post, do you think I could link to it on my blog?


Jessica Gookin said...

Of course you can! I would love that.